Tuesday, July 9, 2013

What is Success?

Indian Paintbrush a favorite mountain flower
As an author, I often ask myself what is success?

Making enough money to quit my day job just to write? (Sort of a problem because I really LOVE my day job as a history teacher.)

Actually finishing another manuscript?

Getting an agent?

Holding a published book in your hand?

Having zillions of followers on your: (fill in the blank) twitter, blog, author pages?

Having friends and family love your stuff?  Well, I'm going to say no on that...my husband didn't even know I have a blog.  Not sure if I should sigh, chuckle or groan.

I think I've gotta say, it's having someone love your words. Catch your vision. Step into that crazy world you've created. Lived and breathed, laughed and maybe cried with your characters for a while and to have enjoyed the journey. THAT's success. 

As I'm struggling to push my way through an edit on a nearly completed manuscript--I'm having a tough time making myself sit down and do it.  But as I've finally waded in...I'm falling for these characters again. Their voices, their struggles, their hopes and fears and dreams. 

And I can only hope that sometime I'll have the chance to let some readers into their world.

And maybe...I'll get someone to love their story like one reader loved Benz in "My Life as a Lumberjack."

Here's what she said!

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